Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New seminar!

We're in the planning stages for a new seminar. Topic matter will be a wrap up of the 2009 hurricane season (if there's going to be one....I probably just jinxed it) and flooding (everywhere, not just houston flooding). So for the readers of the blog, what kind of topics within these two....topics would you like to hear about? Send over some ideas via comments oth through the email at wrc@wxresearch.org.

In other news, it actually rained over a majority of Houston this morning. I haven't heard/felt that in a while. And while we're all very thankful for the rain, we could still use a good deal more. At the moment, we're about 4 to 6 inches under normal. If we were further west, it'd be even worse. Lake Travis is about 28 feet below normal. This is absolutely horrible. We need rain here in Texas, just not near Dallas. They've had enough.